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Health Information
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Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism
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Gastroenterology & Hepatology
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Geriatric Medicine
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Respiratory Medicine
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HK Medical Consultants Integrated Medical Centre: Virtual Tour
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Hong Kong Medical Consultants Telemedicine Service & COVID-19 in HK
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Men's Health
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Dementia Care: 4 Best Memory Game Apps for Dementia Patients
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[Diet Therapy for Shingles] What Food Reduces Side Effects of Acyclovir
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Mood Booster for Depression Treatment: 3 Types of Food for a Good Mood
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[The Golden 72 Hours] Common Shingles Rash Treatment for Pain Relief
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Dr. CHOI Wai Lok 腸胃健康|食生果無助解決便秘?肝酵素過高或是肝癌肝硬化先兆
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Dr. Brigitte SCHLAIKIER 6 stages of life where family medicine matters
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Dr. Kim LEE What really happens at your dental check-up?
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Dr. Kim LEE 食香口膠增缺牙風險?牙醫:缺牙需盡早處理 植牙並非無後顧之憂
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Dr. LO Wing Sim Anita 癌症|肺癌易轉移上腦?記憶衰退非因認知障礙 醫生詳解腦轉移
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Dr. NG Kei Yan Andrew 冠心病|疫情下可以點自救?專科醫生:每日在家運動7分鐘即可防病
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Dr. CHOI Wai Lok 腸炎|肚痾肚痛不一定是腸胃炎?症狀會終身伴隨 嚴重需切除腸道
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Dr. Teresa WANG 外傭驗身|醫生拆解驗身常見漏洞 一次已足夠?隔離檢疫竟有好處?
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Dr. Brigitte SCHLAIKIER 預防疾病|疫苗不止可用於新冠肺炎 提防頭頸癌肛門癌突然找上門 !
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Dr. Kim LEE 升學移民懶人包|出發前要做這件事 牙醫: 異地生活壓力大致磨牙
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Dr. Brigitte SCHLAIKIER 女人之苦|下體痕擔心有性病?產後出現乳腺炎?不同年齡各有困擾
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Dr. Kim LEE 磨牙|每晚扯鼻鼾原來和牙齒有關?牙科醫生講解新式種牙技術
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Dr. Brigitte SCHLAIKIER 皮膚問題|常用酒精消毒易痕癢濕疹 公眾浴室易惹疣 亂挑會擴散
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Dr. Kim LEE 牙周病|刷牙加牙線就夠乾淨?1分鐘後即有菌?牙醫拆解蛀牙成因
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Ms. NG Tsz Yin Natalie 陰魂不散的「內在判官」
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Dr. TSANG Wah Tak Kenneth 淺談新冠疫苗
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Dr. CHEUNG Wai Yin Eddie 按時打針 分外安心
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Dr. CHEUNG Wai Yin Eddie 「疫」境中學習
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Dr. TSANG Wah Tak Kenneth 疫苗接種 您問我答
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Dr. Adrian WONG 學童防「逆」錦囊
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新冠肺炎後遺症對心臟病患者的影響 (Available in Chinese Version Only)
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年輕乳癌患者可以計劃生育嗎? (Available in Chinese Version Only)
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心瓣毛病的治療方案 (Available in Chinese Version Only)
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癌症電療技術知多啲 (Available in Chinese Version Only)
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身形瘦削的女士也有機會患上脂肪肝? (Available in Chinese Version Only)
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外賣食得多,便秘痾血問題多? (Available in Chinese Version Only)
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白內障您知多少 (Available in Chinese Version Only)
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兒童近視怎麼辦? (Available in Chinese Version Only)
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科興疫苗 -「克爾來福」知多啲 (Available in Chinese Version Only)
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打科興疫苗會有副作用嗎? (Available in Chinese Version Only)
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繼發性感染難治療 接種疫苗減風險 (Available in Chinese Version Only)
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Ms. NG Tsz Yin Natalie 孩子,我懂您。處理情緒,愉快學習!
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Ms. NG Tsz Yin Natalie 孩子,別怕。從遊戲到情緒表達
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Dr. Stanley K.T. YU 破解腸癌迷思
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Dr. Adrian WONG 是心病,還是生病?
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Dr. CHEUNG Wai Yin Eddie 小兒偏食點算好?
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Dr. Adrian WONG 好眠難求?
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Dr. TAM Sau Man Barbara 年紀大 眼睛壞?
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Dr. TAM Sau Man Barbara 褪色的世界
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Ms. NG Tsz Yin Natalie 家庭有毒?
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Dr. Stanley K.T. YU 談「肝」色變
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Ms. NG Tsz Yin Natalie 拖拖拉拉的小孩
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Dr. CHEUNG Wai Yin Eddie 小兒濕疹大作戰
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Dr. Adrian WONG 不只兒童會多動
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Dr. Stanley K.T. YU 男性的「沉默殺手」
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Dr. CHEUNG Wai Yin Eddie 誰是鼻敏感元兇?
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Dr. CHEUNG Wai Yin Eddie 運動抗疫.抗逆
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Ms. NG Tsz Yin Natalie 小孩「發脾氣」怎麼辦
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Dr. YUEN Mae Ann Michele 糖尿病患者易「生蛇」?
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Dr. YUEN Mae Ann Michele 更嚴謹的血脂控制
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Dr. CHAU Kwok On Gordon 青光眼手術的「通波仔」與「支架植入」
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Dr. CHEUNG Wai Yin Eddie 遙距醫療
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Dr. CHEUNG Wai Yin Eddie 無端端?
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Dr. CHEUNG Wai Yin Eddie 疫境廚神
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Dr. CHEUNG Wai Yin Eddie 你有壓力 孩子也有壓力
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Dr. CHAU Kwok On Gordon 慢性青光眼—視力的無聲小偷
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Dr. TAM Sau Man Barbara 有「老花」無「近視」的真相
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Dr. TAM Sau Man Barbara 一個小動作引發的白內障
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Dr. YUEN Mae Ann Michele 打破肥胖宿命
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Dr. CHEUNG Wai Yin Eddie 心慌慌的孩子
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Dr. YUEN Mae Ann Michele 在腎上腺的偶然發現
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Ms. NG Tsz Yin Natalie 自閉症:從外星返回地球之旅
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Dr. CHEUNG Wai Yin Eddie 多動兒的靜態選擇
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Ms. NG Tsz Yin Natalie 復課的挑戰
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Ms. NG Tsz Yin Natalie 失眠—受困於過去與未來
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Dr. CHEUNG Wai Yin Eddie 家:安全又危險的地方
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Dr. CHEUNG Wai Yin Eddie 疫情下的電子學習
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Dr. FONG Ka Yeung Jason 重症肌無力
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Dr. CHENG Cheung Wah Boron 進退兩難
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Dr. CHENG Cheung Wah Boron 白馬殞落
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Dr. LAM Hin Tseuk Francis 勿以善小而不為
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Dr. LAM Hin Tseuk Francis 跟游泳肩說再見
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Dr. Adrian WONG 安眠只靠安眠藥?
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Dr. Adrian WONG 等,寂寞到夜深
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Dr. NG Wing Ho Kenneth 看不見 是誰之過?
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Dr. NG Wing Ho Kenneth 看不見的未來 看得見的遺憾
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Dr. TAM Sau Man Barbara 懶惰眼
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Dr. TAM Sau Man Barbara 飛蚊突增的啟示
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Dr. CHU Leung Wing 暖意
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Dr. YUEN Mae Ann Michele 病向淺中醫
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Dr. YUEN Mae Ann Michele 甲狀腺風暴
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Mr. LEE Kam Sing Raymond 鸚鵡學舌
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Mr. LEE Kam Sing Raymond 不尋常的安靜
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Dr. Adrian WONG 我可以做甚麼?
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Dr. Adrian WONG 我的小孩特別曳?
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Dr. FONG Ka Yeung Jason 難治仍須治
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Dr. LEUNG Wing Hung Adam 尋找氣喘真兇
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Dr. LEUNG Wing Hung Adam 停藥惹的禍?
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Dr. LEUNG Wing Hung Adam 腦以外 腦意外
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Ms. KUNG Chung Yan Pance 吃得到的快樂
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Ms. KUNG Chung Yan Pance 辛苦得來志在食
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Dr. MOK Yun Wing Thomas 不平則「鳴」
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Dr. MOK Yun Wing Thomas 喘.息
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Dr. MOK Yun Wing Thomas 咳血驚魂
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Dr. MOK Yun Wing Thomas 普遍 不普通
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Dr. CHEUNG Wai Yin Eddie 先天性心臟病
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Dr. CHEUNG Wai Yin Eddie 高燒不退的啟示
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Dr. TSANG Wah Tak Kenneth 被腫瘤壓至窒息?!
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Dr. TSANG Wah Tak Kenneth 咳、咳、咳
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Dr. LEE Pui Yin Clement 擴張性心肌病變
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Dr. LEE Pui Yin Clement 傷心真傷心
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Dr. Adrian WONG 老人病?
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Dr. Adrian WONG 看不見的病人
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Dr. CHAU Kwok On Gordon 老年黃斑病變
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Dr. CHAU Kwok On Gordon 乾眼症
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Dr. YUEN Mae Ann Michele 肥胖的污名
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Dr. YUEN Mae Ann Michele 百病之源
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Dr. FONG Ka Yeung Jason 非一般頭痛
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Dr. FONG Ka Yeung Jason 令人頭痛的偏頭痛
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Dr. CHEUNG Wai Yin Eddie 請相信真正的科學
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Dr. LEUNG Wing Hung Adam 年輕是本錢?
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Dr. LEUNG Wing Hung Adam 執迷不悟
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Dr. TSANG Wah Tak Kenneth 綠色的痰涎
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Dr. TSANG Wah Tak Kenneth 高.瘦.男
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Dr. TSANG Wah Tak Kenneth 頭痛欲裂的背後⋯⋯
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Dr. TSANG Wah Tak Kenneth 日本病
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Dr. TSANG Wah Tak Kenneth 陽臺上的鴿子
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Dr. TSANG Wah Tak Kenneth 氣管內的積木
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Latest News
HKSAR Establishment Day
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HK Medical Consultants Announces New Cardiothoracic Surgeon - Dr. Sit Ko Yung, Alva!
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HK Medical Consultants | COVID-19 Telemedicine Service
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HK Medical Consultants Easter Holiday Service Hours
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Fosun/ BioNTech 'Comirnaty' Bivalent Vaccine (Self Financed)
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CPR Training for Healthcare Staff
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HKMC's Support for ImpactHK for transforming the lives of the homeless
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HKMC's Green Commitment
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Measles Q&A
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Say NO to Plastic Drug Bags
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HKMC’s Pioneering Role in Recycling of Drug Boxes & Cartons at Central Building
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Pharmacy Internship
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Opening of New Paediatric Centre
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Influenza Vaccines & Rapid Test
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HKMC's Support for Hong Kong Association for Cleft Lip and Palate
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Patients' Paging System (Postponed Until Further Notice Due to COVID-19 Outbreak)
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HKMC displays “LeaveHomeSafe” venue QR codes at its clinics
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Press release: Hong Kong Medical Consultants is appointed as the operator of the Community Vaccination Centre (CVC) at the Kowloon Bay Sports Centre
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Executive Dental Plan
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Well Women Health Plans
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Re: Recall of Aprovel Tablets and CoAprovel Tablets
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Lung Health Promotion and Lung Cancer Screening
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Bespoke Health Check Plans
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Sexual Health Screening
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Online Appointment: COVID-19 Vaccination Programme
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【HKMC has been awarded the Caring Company Logo】
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COVID-19 Pre-Vaccination Health Check
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HKMC Tote Bag Charity Sale
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Personal Mobile Cinema at HKMC Dental Centre!
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HK Medical Consultants | Doctor Supervised Rapid Antigen Test
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HKMC operated the Community Vaccination Centre smoothly on first-day launch
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Dr. SIT Ko Yung, Alva & Dr. CHEUNG Man Hong, Steve - HKMC Grand Opening
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HKMC Spring Dinner 2024
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2024 Easter Holiday Clinic Hours
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