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Latest News

09 Jul 2019

Pharmacy Internship

A student dispenser from Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE) undertook a practical placement at Hong Kong Medical Consultants in June 2019, and it was a success from her perspectives. 

She was very passionate and enthusiastic. This young lady avidly demonstrated understanding of elementary human disease and some therapeutic knowledge on patient care.  She proactively approached work with minimal prompting.  

“I want to take the time to thank HKMC and especially Jason (Chief Pharmacist) and the entire pharmacy team for giving me the opportunity to do my pharmacy attachment. The team has been very encouraging and supportive throughout my placement. Most of all they had really given me the opportunity to learn and grow with them. Their professionalism and knowledge have really inspired me to continue on my dispenser journey. " Wing. 

HKMC is proud to be able to provide training opportunities for students.  We are confident that Wing will have a great career and opportunities ahead.

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