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Patient Experience

Your Visit to Hong Kong Medical Consultants

Please call +852 2219 9992 to be directed to our General Enquiries and Bookings hotline. We also offer WhatsApp and WeChat bookings.

WhatsApp Bookings:

  • HKMC Medical Specialists:
  • HKMC Family Medical Centre:
  • HKMC Dental & Maxillofacial Centre:

WeChat Bookings:

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Registration, Waiting Area/Time, Consultation, Pharmacy processing, payment. 

For your consultation, please bring along the following documents: Past Medical Records, Vaccination records, Proof of Identification (ID Card, Passport, etc.)

If you are using a plan from one of our Medical Insurance providers, please bring the relevant and valid documents as stated from your Medical Insurance provider.

Cash, Visa, Master, AE, WeChatHK, Union, etc

If you would like a doctors certificate or medical report, your Doctor may provide either of these on certain conditions.

TBC For your own and others safety, please disinfect your hands with alcohol gel provided at the Concierge, and please wear a mask at all times within clinic premises.

  1. In the event of issuance of Tropical Cyclone Warning Signals No. 1 or No. 3 by the Hong Kong Observatory, the service of HKMC clinics will be as usual.
  2. In the event of issuance of Tropical Cyclone Warning Signals No. 8 or above by the Hong Kong Observatory, HKMC clinics will make the following special arrangements:
The time when Topical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above is issued / cancelled
Special Arrangements of HKMC Clinics
Issued before clinic service hours
Special Arrangements of HKMC Clinics
Issued during clinic service hours
Clinic services will be suspended, clinic staff will consider the weather and traffic situations and arrange departure of patients under safe conditions.
For clinics operating on Monday to Friday
Cancelled before clinic service hours
Clinic services will be as usual.
Cancelled during clinic service hours and before 2:00pm
Clinic services will be resumed as soon as practicable within two hours after the warning signal is cancelled.
Cancelled at or after 2:00pm
Clinic services will remain suspended for the rest of the day.
For clinics operating on Saturday morning
Cancelled before 10:00am
Clinic services will be resumed as soon as practicable within two hours after the warning signal is cancelled.
Cancelled at or after 10:00am
Clinic services will remain suspended for the rest of the day.
  1. Patients who have made their clinic appointments, in case their attendance cannot be made because of the above situation, please call our clinic to make a new appointment within office hours after the cancellation of signal.
  1. In the event of issuance of Amber and Red Rainstorm Warning Signals by the Hong Kong Observatory, the service of HKMC clinics will be as usual.
  2. In the event of issuance of Black Rainstorm Warning Signal by the Hong Kong Observatory, HKMC clinics will make the following special arrangements:
The time when Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is issued / cancelled
Special Arrangements of HKMC Clinics
Issued before clinic service hours
Clinic will remain closed while the warning signal is in force.
Issued during clinic service hours
Clinic services will be suspended while the warning signal is in force. Clinic would take care of patients who have turned up.
For clinics operating on Monday to Friday
Cancelled before clinic service hours
Clinic services will be as usual.
Cancelled during clinic service hours and before 2:00pm
Clinic services will be resumed as soon as practicable within two hours after the warning signal is cancelled.
Cancelled at or after 2:00pm
Clinic services will remain suspended for the rest of the day.
For clinics operating on Saturday morning
Cancelled before 10:00am
Clinic services will be resumed as soon as practicable within two hours after the warning signal is cancelled.
Cancelled at or after 10:00am
Clinic services will remain suspended for the rest of the day.
  1. Patients who have made their clinic appointments, in case their attendance cannot be made because of the above situation, please call our clinic to make a new appointment within office hours after the cancellation of signal.

If you have been diagnosed with COVID-19 recently, or have symptoms of COVID-19, please report this to our medical staff, and please wear a mask at all times in our HKMC premises.

Getting to HKMC

If you wish to travel via MTR, please alight at Central Station. Our Central clinics are all within short walking distance of the MTR exits.
  • For HKMC Integrated Medical Centre, Dental & Maxillofacial Centre, Paediatric Centre, Oncology Day Centre, please use Exit G to The Landmark.
  • For HKMC Ophthalmology Centre, please use MTR Exit K to Prince’s Building.

  • Drop off advised at Landmark Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Hong Kong.
  • Uber/Taxi pickup advised from Landmark Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Hong Kong
  • Taxis may also be hailed from Pedder Street.
  • In Ice house street

If you wish to park your car close to our clinics, we advise the following carparks. Note that availability of spaces and parking rates may vary between these.
  • Cheung Kong Centre
  • The Landmark
  • Duddell Street
  • Chater House

Corporate Video


What Insurance Providers does HKMC have?
Do I need to make an appointment in advance ?

Yes. Please call the hotline of the respective clinic or come in person to schedule an appointment in advance.

For general enquiries, please call +852 2219 9992

WhatsApp Booking Hotline:

Medical Specialists:

Family Medicine:

Dental & Maxillofacial Services:

Does HKMC provide visiting medical practitioner services ?

Geriatric Medicine Specialty provides visiting medical practitioner services. For details, please call 2648 5518.

What type of specialist should I consult for my medical problem ?

HKMC provides a wide range of specialist services. In case of doubt, you may call our clinics or seek advice from a general practitioner.

Do I need a referral from a general practitioner for making an appointment ?

No, it is not mandatory. However, if you have purchased a medical insurance plan, please make sure to bring along your referral letter.

What should I do if I want to receive a vaccine ?

Please call HKMC Nurses Station directly during service hours on +852 2219 9992 for further help and advice.

What documents do I need to bring when attending the consultation ?

You just need to bring along your identification documents (such as Hong Kong Identity Card, valid travel documents).  However, it would be useful if you could provide the followings :

- Referral letter

- Insurance documents

- Drugs currently being taken

- Medical records and past medical examination results

Has HKMC registered in the Electronic Health Record Sharing System of eHealth ?

Yes, you may give consent to our healthcare professionals to enable them to access your healthcare information in the Electronic Health Record Sharing System.

What payment methods does HKMC accept ?

- Cash

- Electronic Payment System (EPS)

- Credit card (VISA/Mastercard/Union Pay/American Express)

What special arrangements does HKMC have under the Tropical Cyclone/Rainstorm Warning Signals ?
  • In the event of issuance of Tropical Cyclone Warning Signals No. 1 or No. 3 - the service of HKMC clinics will be as usual.
  • In the event of issuance of Amber and Red Rainstorm Warning Signals by the Hong Kong Observatory - the service of HKMC clinics will be as usual.
  • In the event of issuance of Tropical Cyclone Warning Signals No. 8 or above by the Hong Kong Observatory, HKMC clinics will make the following special arrangements


The time when Topical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above is issued / cancelled Special Arrangements of HKMC Clinics
Issued During Clinic Service Hours  
Issued during clinic service hours Clinic services will be suspended, clinic staff will consider the weather and traffic situations and arrange departure of patients under safe conditions.
Cancelled before clinic service hours Clinic services will be as usual.
Cancelled during clinic service hours and before 2:00pm Clinic services will be resumed as soon as practicable within two hours after the warning signal is cancelled.
Cancelled at or after 2:00pm Clinic services will remain suspended for the rest of the day.
For clinics operating on Saturday morning  
Cancelled before 10:00am Clinic services will be resumed as soon as practicable within two hours after the warning signal is cancelled.
Cancelled at or after 10:00am Clinic services will remain suspended for the rest of the day.


  • Patients who have made their clinic appointments, in case their attendance cannot be made because of the above situation, please call our clinic to make a new appointment within office hours after the cancellation of signal.
What special arrangements does HKMC have for the Rainstorm Signals ?
  1. In the event of issuance of Amber and Red Rainstorm Warning Signals by the Hong Kong Observatory, the service of HKMC clinics will be as usual.
  2. In the event of issuance of Black Rainstorm Warning Signal by the Hong Kong Observatory, HKMC clinics will make the following special arrangements:
The time when Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is issued / cancelled
Special Arrangements of HKMC Clinics
Issued before clinic service hours
Clinic will remain closed while the warning signal is in force.
Issued during clinic service hours
Clinic services will be suspended while the warning signal is in force. Clinic would take care of patients who have turned up.
For clinics operating on Monday to Friday
Cancelled before clinic service hours
Clinic services will be as usual.
Cancelled during clinic service hours and before 2:00pm
Clinic services will be resumed as soon as practicable within two hours after the warning signal is cancelled.
Cancelled at or after 2:00pm
Clinic services will remain suspended for the rest of the day.
For clinics operating on Saturday morning
Cancelled before 10:00am
Clinic services will be resumed as soon as practicable within two hours after the warning signal is cancelled.
Cancelled at or after 10:00am
Clinic services will remain suspended for the rest of the day.
  1. Patients who have made their clinic appointments, in case their attendance cannot be made because of the above situation, please call our clinic to make a new appointment within office hours after the cancellation of signal.