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Latest News

01 Aug 2019

Opening of New Paediatric Centre

Hong Kong Medical Consultants is pleased to announce the opening of our new Paediatric Centre.

Our Paediatric Centre aligns perfectly with our mission to provide comprehensive and affordable medical services across different specialties and disciplines. The Centre is located at Unit 812, Central Building, Central (Tel : 2230 5139) which is readily accessible and convenient for all. The clinic is carefully designed to be a safe, comfortable and child-friendly environment.

Our Paediatric Centre provides a wide spectrum of services :

A. General Paediatrics:

  1. Newborn assessment
  2. Management of neonatal jaundice
  3. Well baby checkup and immunization
  4. Developmental assessment
  5. Body check
  6. School health assessment
  7. Management of common paediatric problems, e.g.
    - infectious diseases
    - childhood asthma
    - eczema
    - allergies
    - mild injuries
    - febrile convulsion
    - gastroesophageal reflux

  8. Management of behavioral problems (with a team of Clinical Psychologist and Speech Therapist) e.g.
    - autism spectrum disorder
    - attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder

  9. Management of physical growth problems e.g.
    - obesity
    - short stature
    - precocious puberty

B. Paediatric Cardiology:

  1. Management of both congenital and acquired paediatric heart conditions, e.g.
    - congenital structural heart diseases
    - Kawasaki disease
    - hypertension
    - cardiomyopathies
    - Arrhythmia

  2. Non-invasive cardiac assessment, e.g.
    - Electrocardiogram (ECG)
    - Echocardiogram
    - Treadmill exercise test
    - Holter 24-hr ECG study
    - 24-hr ambulatory blood pressure - monitoring
    - Event recording

  3. Invasive cardiac assessment and management, e.g.
    - diagnostic cardiac catheterization
    - interventional cardiac catheterization e.g. device occlusion of patent ductus arteriosus, device occlusion of atrial septal defect, balloon pulmonary valvuloplasty and pulmonary angioplasty

  4. Postoperative care (including ICU care) after surgeries for congenital heart diseases


It is noteworthy that our Paediatric Centre offers an 18-month Well Baby Programme. This package includes 7 consultations with our paediatrician, plus the required vaccinations up to 18 months. Parents can also have a varied choice of optional vaccines to suit their child’s needs. Moreover, our full-range of optional allied assessment services include, IQ and developmental disorders assessment by clinical psychologists, eye assessment by our ophthalmologists/optometrists, speech therapy assessment by our speech therapists and dietary assessment by our dietitians. These services are designed to give parents peace of mind whenever they have any concern in their child’s well-being and development.

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