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02 May 2019

[The Golden 72 Hours] Common Shingles Rash Treatment for Pain Relief

Shingles is a viral infection that can be extremely painful. If not treated properly, rashes and blisters on the affected area may lead to blindness, deafness, or other serious complications. Studies have shown that adults age 60 or older are eight to ten times more likely to get shingles than people of a younger age due to a weaker immune system. It is common for older individuals affected with shingles to have lasting nerve pain, a sensation that is similar to being electrocuted or burned.

How long will shingles last? Will taking shingles medication help with permanent health problems? There is only a 72-hour window of opportunity to get the most effective treatment, so time is of the essence!

You Have a 30% Chance of Developing Shingles During Your Lifetime: Your Risk Increases as You Age

Herpes zoster, commonly known as “shingles”, is caused by the varicella-zoster virus. If you had chickenpox before, your body will have produced antibodies to fight against the virus. The virus will stay dormant in your nerve tissue. Your immunity decreases as you age, so the virus could be reactivated as shingles with symptoms of rashes and blisters on your body .

Studies suggest that people who have had chickenpox will have approximately a 30% chance of developing shingles. For those who had chickenpox in Hong Kong, the chance of developing shingles could be as high as 95% . You are still at risk of contracting the virus from people with shingles through the fluids from their blisters, even if you never had chickenpox .

Shingles is common in adults 40 to 50 years of age and older. Eating an imbalanced diet or physical, mental, and emotional stress may trigger the infection. People with a weakened immune system, such as the elderly, are eight to ten times more likely to get infected than younger people. People with chronic diseases such as diabetes or hypertension are two to four times more likely to get shingles . Elderly people with chronic diseases often mistake shingles for eczema, only to receive shingles treatment from their doctors too late. Delayed treatment greatly increases the risk of developing permanent shingles-related health issues.

The Golden 72-hour Window for Shingles Treatment and Shingles Pain Relief - Course of Treatment Complete in 7 to 10 Days

You should seek medical help as soon as possible within the first 72 hours of developing a rash. Common shingles medication such as Acyclovir, Famciclovir, Valaciclovir is best taken within the first 48 hours of contracting shingles . The medication works to suppress the virus, stop the growth of shingles rashes, and minimize the chance of developing postherpetic neuralgia (nerve damage and pain after the outbreak of shingles).

Understandably, affected individuals want the infection gone as soon as possible since the itching and pain from shingles are often unbearable. However, shingles treatment should not be rushed and will require a lot of patience as it can take seven to ten days. Once you have contracted shingles, make sure to pay your doctor a visit so they can help you get the proper treatment. During treatment, your doctor will usually prescribe an oral and topical medication for pain relief. If your symptoms are severe, your doctor may also prescribe sleep medication to help you sleep.

Shingles Complications: Shooting Pains and Weak Immune System Due to Advanced Age

The infection could be very hard to manage if large blisters appear around the rash and treatment is not received within the 72-hour window. At this stage the blisters may be easily broken, leading to health problems such as lesions, pink-eye disease, acute keratitis, blindness, deafness, or other serious repercussions.

According to medical journal research, around 12.5% of people aged 50 or above with shingles will have postherpetic neuralgia. Those affected may occasionally have sensations of shooting, tingling, or burning pain; something as simple as clothing on the skin may trigger pain. The pain may last for months or even years.

The main cause of postherpetic neuralgia is the delayed treatment of shingles, leading to damaged and sensitive nerves. Not only will post-shingles nerve pain affect the individual physically, but it can also affect emotional health, leading to an overall decreased quality of life. Currently, no single drug can effectively treat postherpetic neuralgia. Affected individuals often need to take a combination of medicine to treat the pain .

Familiarize Yourself with the Symptoms of Shingles and Get Vaccinated

Those with weak immune systems, the elderly, or chronically ill individuals are among those who are at high risk for contracting shingles. If you are in the high-risk group and notice symptoms of shingles, you should seek medical attention immediately. Individuals who begin treatment should finish the entire course of medication to lower the risk of shingles-related complications.

Symptoms of shingles include:

- A stripe of rashes with blisters on the skin, commonly on the back, waist, or chest area

- Initial sensations of pain, and subsequent numbness, burning, and itchiness

- Cold-like symptoms: fatigue, headache, upset stomach, fever, etc.

The best measure to take against shingles is prevention in the form of a varicella-zoster vaccination. The vaccination offers protection against shingles for up to ten years. People who are age 50 or above, especially those who are advanced in age or have chronic illnesses should consider getting vaccinated as soon as possible for extra protection.


Dr. Jason Fong Ka Yeung
Specialist in Neurology