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Latest News

08 Oct 2019

Patients' Paging System (Postponed Until Further Notice Due to COVID-19 Outbreak)

(Postponed Until Further Notice Due to COVID-19 Outbreak)

To further uphold our patients' privacy and improve the clinic workflow,  we have introduced a clinic paging system at HKMC I Clinic (Room 812, Central Building).

Upon registration, patients (or carers) will be given a pager while they wait for their consultation.  Patients are free to wander around the clinic or go to the washroom without worrying that they will miss their consultation, clinical procedure or drug collection. 

The vibrating or flashing pagers would alert patients to return to the clinic discreetly, avoiding the embarrassment of  names being announced aloud. 

Our clinic paging system has proven to provide a quiet and confidential communication between patients and clinic staff. In order to minimise patient anxiety, these pagers will not be given to our elderly and visually impaired patients.

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